Most of my caches are in the Cypress Creek well fields. This is not far from my house. It is 7400 acres in Central Pasco County just east of land O’ Lakes. The primary access is at Parkway Boulevard .07 miles North of Pine View Middle School. There is a West Gate at the West end of Pump Station Road Which is off Ehren Cutoff (CR583) halfway between CR 52 and US 41. These gates have parking there. The only other gate is at the East end of Pump Station Road and at the end of Quail Hollow Boulevard. There is no parking at this gate. It is open from sunrise to sunset. and there is no rest rooms or water to drink.
There is two campgrounds on the South end. One that is about 3/4 miles in on the right. Then there is one that is about 3/4 miles in just off the main trail another 1/4 mile. They have portable toilets at both of these and sometimes water if the hand pump works. There is two separate areas I consider them a North and a South area. The south area is off of Parkway boulevard and no other official way in. Although I have seen what looks like a new way in off of CR 54 but have not seen anything official about it. Then there is the North end where there is 2 ways in here at both ends of Pump Station Road. The North end has no water at all. It has a paved road that runs through it. When my son was in Boy Scouts we would Hike in with backpacks. From Quail Hollow Boulevard and and work our way down to the South end to the camp grounds. We could only do this during the dry season as it would be a muddy wet trip during the wet season. I would like to see a trail from the North to the South end although at this time there is not one. At this time there is 82 Caches in the Cypress Creek Well Fields.
That is 44 caches on the North end and 38 caches on the South end. It would be a great journey to get all caches in the North end or the South end in one day. I think impossible to do all 82 Caches in in one day. As they do give you the GREAT GRAND TOUR of Cypress Creek. Some are quite a challenge to get to. One is aproxmley 11 miles from start to finish although you can do other cashes along the way. One is in a swampy area and would be a muddy, wet trip to get to. Then there are others that are cut off by canals. That are not on the map and don’t show in the satellite image on Google maps. They are all good caches. Some are straight forward and some are a real challenge. But there is a lot to see there. The Deer and Turkey are plentiful. You will Hike through Oak hammocks, Cypress Heads, Palmettos Flats, grass fields, and Swamp. So if you try it be ready to work for all the caches you get. Once you get them you deserve them.